Leader vs Boss: Difference between Leader and Boss

In the present world, a leader can increase a team’s performance and guarantee success for an organization than a boss. It does not mean that the importance of the boss is negligible. Rather every leader is a good boss. Although today we will discuss the difference between boss and leader, you should keep in mind that these two people play an important role in an organization, institution, business, etc. And both of them try to give the maximum from their own place. Only their methods and thinking are different. But the purpose is almost the same. But general people fail to determine the difference between leader and boss. So, beneficiaries should study ‘boss vs leader.’ However, there are given the idea of leader and boss before going to the dissimilarity between them (leader vs boss).

What is Leader?

“LEADER” is an English word that comes from the Old English word lædan. It means ‘to go before as a guide.’ In the 14th century, this word was first used to describe a person in charge. The use of the word leader in an opinion article in a British newspaper is from 1837.

A leader is an individual who influences a group of people to move towards a goal. In the broadest sense, he is a leader who takes the initiative to do something first. Then he leads others by using his own way of working to inspire others to follow him.

A leader is a person who has a vision, a drive, and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen.

A leader who demands obedience or authority as opposed to drawing it from his subjects who in this case he is supposed to serve is laking of personal humility and respect or may lack the ability to inspire the people around them to be better and hence will reduce to issuing orders.

For becoming a leader, a person should bear some specific characteristics or features. There are mentioned some important features of a leader. Such as:-

    • Coaching, not directing
    • Leadership with humility
    • Being adept
    • Far-sighted as an influence
    • Being a master communicator
    • Who is ready to take charge
    • Seeking Out Feedback
    • Who can keep up
    • He listens to people and respects others’ doctrines.
    • Who is sure of all the work of himself and his environment
    • He cares about others.
  • Who can communicate and communicate with the most effective
  • The best need for leadership and evidence is to gain the trust of the people.
  • For a leader, the ability to stick to it is essential.

What is Boss?

“BOSS” is an English word that comes from the Dutch word baas. It means ‘master.’ In the 19th century (originally in the USA), this word was first used to be master or manager of, to order and direct as a boss, in 1856.

Boss is a tough and challenging part to play. A person may have a boss who takes over or appoints others. In another way, the boss is a professional politician who controls party machines or political organizations, often using a sly or illegal method. The responsibility of the boss is to supervise or perform duties.

A boss is a person who is in charge of workers in a company or organization. Bosses can have many different job titles. Simple examples include manager, supervisor and director.

Some qualities are must be coined in the personality of a boss. There are shown as such important qualities of a boss. Such as:-

  • Empowerment of sharing information
  • Putting a lot of thought into hiring
  • Setting high standards as well as demanding terms and conditions of results achievement.
  • Looking for and celebrating wins
  • Regularly, applauses staff on a job well done.
  • Respected and given value of time
  • Empathetic is another virtue of a boss.
  • True accountable
  • Shared relevant information
  • Delegating appropriately
  • Appreciated the employee’s good work
  • Does not micro-manage
  • Don’t be unable to call to mind that people have lives outdoor of work.
  • Cares about the well-being Of staff
  • The Boss is a great communicator.
  • Produce leader
leader vs boss vs leader difference between leader and boss difference between boss and leader
Boss vs Leader: Difference between Boss and Leader

Boss vs Leader or Leader vs Boss:

Here has included some vital points with a short explanation to indicate the difference between leader and boss. Such as:-

  1. Leader leadership and boss rules
  2. Teaching focuses
  3. Ordered, listen, and speak
  4. Identifying strength and weakness
  5. Leaders teach and learn while ignoring bosses.
  6. Square, and philosophy
  7. Earned fear, and motivational respect
  8. They will talk about it as a team.

Read more: Rows vs Columns

1. Leader Leadership and Boss Rules:

A leader leads from the front. He encourages and motivates his subordinates. And also guides them to be a success through inspiration. On the other hand, a boss always tries to rule the employees without encouraging them to move forward.

2. Teaching Focuses:

A boss always tries to teach the employees what to do. And, a leader tries to show the followers why and how to do it.

3. Ordered, Listen, and Spoken:

The Oder is a common tendency in a boss. He wants to order his employees so that they just have listened and obeyed him. However, a leader doesn’t contain the same tendency as a boss. He always gives priority and welcomes the views of his followers.

The leader discusses issues, provides advice, and accepts the feedback of staff. As the leader becomes more flexible, the employees also feel empowered and confident about the leader.

4. Identifying Strength and Weakness:

Some bosses discourage their employees from considering their weaknesses, but leaders motivate employees considering their strengths. Leaders provide opportunities to develop their skills while minimizing the vulnerabilities of their employees. Leaders identify their skills when working with employees and then assign tasks in those areas to get effective results. But these behaviors don’t exist in the boss.

5. Leaders Teach and Learn while Ignoring Bosses:

A true leader has self-esteem and does not hesitate to learn from others. It may be anyone or those who are at a lower level of an organizational hierarchy. It proves the leader’s tendency to focus on his subordinates, knowing that there is always more to learn from them. A good leader always shares their knowledge and experience with others rather than the boss.

6. Square and philosophy:

A boss focuses on the short term of having a “square” mind, without his comfort zone. However, a leader does not anticipate immediate rewards, and they think more in the long run than in living in the present. He has a vision and predicts today’s problems.

7. Earned fear and motivational respect:

Inspires fear of the boss; His staff fears him, confronts him when confronted, but criticizes him in his absence. Instead, the leader inspires confidence, gives his people encouragement and strength; at the same time, he expressed his gratitude for his contribution. Then, if the boss wants obedience, the leader wants inspiration.

8. They will talk about as a Team:

Failure to maintain effective communication among the vast majority has been shown. This happens because they are not aware of important issues in their area or simply because they do not know how to communicate with their employees, so they all talk about it. But when a true leader speaks, everyone listens. Thus, a leader knows how to gain his team’s confidence so that he can listen to them and influence them.

Table of the Difference between Boss and Leader:

For a better understanding of the leader vs boss, there is included a table. This table outlines all things of the difference between leader and boss. Such as:-

Work withFollowersEmployees
RuleFlexibleStrict and fixed
StepOpen discussionGive order
ExpectAny feedbackOther to obey
TeachHow and why to doWhat to do
StrengthMotivates, support, and back the team upTerrifies and instill fears to control
TendencyTeach and ready to learn from othersExpect and ignore when others share
ExpertsEmotional and peopleSubject matter
*Takes the initiative and watch over the jobChooses to stay behind the scene
BehaviorShows respect and offer constructive criticismShouts and scold at any individual
ShowEstablish equal relationshipsAuthorizing
BuildInner desireOuter desire
DecisionDecision-based on capabilities and effortThe decision affects personal preference
CreditGives creditTakes all credit
AccountabilityTakes responsibilityBlames others
FocusGives attention to the individual’s strengthEmphasize on weaknesses
ThinkLong termShort term
PositiveDiscover and develop peopleTake advantage of people

Keys of Difference between Leader and Boss:

In this section, we point out the important key difference between boss and leader. Such as:-

  1. The leader wants success, and the boss needs better performance.
  2. Boss teaches what to do, whereas a leader tells how and why to do.
  3. The leader handles emotions. On the other hand, the boss does it through subject matter experts.
  4. As self-accountability is built by a leader, holding accountable must be suitable for the boss.
  5. The leader uses an influential strategy, and the boss uses measuring strategy management.
  6. A leader is completely free from authority and position. But the boss depends on it.
  7. What is right and what is right now play with leader and boss, respectively.
  8. Boss and leader operate with competition and legacy, respectively, in mind.
  9. When a leader drives passion, the boss fears facing it.
  10. Reaction walks with the boss, and purpose adheres to a leader.
  11. Boss micromanages, and leader delegates the works.
  12. When a leader discovers and develops the followers, the boss takes advantage of people.
  13. The leader and boss reciprocally think long-term and short-term.
  14. If a goal fails to achieve, the boss blames others, and the leader takes responsibly.
  15. The decision affects personal preference for the boss and bases on the capabilities and effort of a leader.
  16. Boss wants to be authorized. Whereas, leader establishes equal relationships.
  17. Shouting and scolding at any individual is a common behavior of the boss. But the leader shows respect and offer constructive criticism.
  18. Boss expects and ignores when others share. On the other side, the leader teaches and ready to learn from others.
  19. The leader always motivates support and backs the team-up. But the boss terrifies and instills fears to control.
  20. Boss installs strict and fixed rules, whereas the leader is very flexible in this matter.


Although we see the difference between leader and boss (leader vs boss), they play an important role from their own perspective. We should keep clear knowledge about them with the difference between boss and leader (boss vs leader). Here you can take help from the following popular books. Such as:-

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