Historical Evolution and Development of HRM in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is the ninth largest country in the world in regards to the population not its area of land. It has almost 16.67 core people, according to the United Nations data. Therefore, the development and management of human resources can be taken care of separately. In the country, some large, medium-sized, and a large number of small business and industrial organizations have been established and a significant number of human resources are employed in the organizations. Although three-quarters of the total population of the country is still engaged in agriculture, no effective or significant efforts have been made so far to manage agriculturists at the national level. That is why Bangladesh is still listed as a poor country. Bangladesh is rich in its population but very poor in the quality of human resources. However, there is the main topic of discussion about the historical evolution and development of HRM in Bangladesh.
Historical Evolution and Development of HRM in Bangladesh
Today’s historical evolution and development of HRM in Bangladesh will be discussed in several parts. So that the matter is easier and more understandable. Remember that the discussion here will be limited to how human resource management came about and is being developed in Bangladesh. If you want to know about the history or evolution of the original HRM, you can read the article A Brief History of Human Resource Management (HRM). Let’s move on to the main discussion-

Establishment of Organizations
In Bangladesh, many public and private businesses, and non-business and industrial organizations have emerged. We got a big number of public organizations from the previous Pakistan regime. But due to various errors and limitations around us, we have failed to manage those organizations profitably as per the demand. An inappropriate human resource management policy is one of the causes. In the country, recently some organizations have been established, Among these organizations, the Institute of Personnel Management, Industrial Relations Institute, Bangladesh Society for Training and Development, Bangladesh Society of Human Resource Management, and Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center is important.
Scholars and Institutes:
These organizations conduct training programs, undertake research activities, and publish journals, which contribute to the human resource development of Bangladesh. Some scholars namely Professor Dr. Khondaker Bazlul Haque, Professor Dr. Shahid Uddin Ahmed, Professor Dr. Habibullah, Professor Dr. Durgadas Bhattacharjee, Professor Dr. Abbas Ali Khan, Professor Dr. M A Mannan, Professor Dr. Moinul Islam, Professor Dr. Ameeruzzaman Khan, Professor Dr. Abu Hossain Siddique, Professor Dr. Shamsul Huq, Professor Dr. Mokhlesur Rahman, Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury, Dr. Mosharraf Hossain, Professor Ali Akkas, Professor Anisur Rahman, and other researchers conducted a number of research projects on different aspects of human resource management under the banner of Bureau of Business Research, University of Dhaka, and the Faculty of Business Studies. The Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka has also contributed a lot to the development of the knowledge base through research, training, and consultancy services. The University of Dhaka, University of Rajshahi, University of Chittagong, Khulna University, Islamic University (Khustia), Jahangirnagar University, and Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) has undertaken many research and development activities for the historical evolution and development of HRM in Bangladesh.
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Contributions of Different Universities
The Institute of Bangladesh Studies and the University of Rajshahi are pioneering organizations in the field. National University, Gazipur conducts training programs regularly around the year for the development of HRM of Bangladesh (college level). Almost all public universities publish journals accommodating many articles on HRM. They are offering M.phil and Ph.D. programs for the same purpose. University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, Dhaka offers research projects in the field.
In Bangladesh, the HRM area has attracted special attention in business education. In both public and private universities, there is a separate major field on HRM for BBA, MBA, certain Honors, and MSS programs which is quite remarkable. Every year hundreds of graduates are getting orientation and specialization in HRM. A substantial number of M.Phil and Ph.D. dissertations have been prepared in different areas of HRM. A number of training and development institutes are working in the country for HR development for managing the organizations. HRM is already recognized as an established profession and is appreciated by all.
The invention of the computer and the internet has opened a window of expanded knowledge in the area. A vast educationist now is involved with the development of HRM knowledge using this latest technology. The learners are so interested that if they are asked to prepare any assignment on HRM, they try their level best to update their knowledge, and thus they are preparing hundreds of assignments on the subject. Both National and Multinational Corporations have their own research divisions. They are extending their cooperation in the area. A number of books on HRM practices in Bangladesh have been published. Considering all these contributions of researchers, academicians, and institutions in Bangladesh, we can say that future of HRM is bright in Bangladesh. And it may be a short discussion about the historical evolution and development of HRM in Bangladesh.
Let the current situation be further advanced through the implementation of the purposes of HRM. More contributions are waiting for HRM in Bangladesh in the days to come. Then human resource management in Bangladesh will be more prosperous and strong. We are waiting with the desire to fulfill such an expected dream.